Sunday, June 30, 2024

Dance Monkey: Beams: Pride (in the name of love)


                               The buildings are the road, voyage, reason.
                     The spirit you think is there, in architecture, is there,

                                  along with other spirits, namely, spirits
                       hewn into coexisting nature, creating a sublime sense of

                                 balance. Apotheosis of coexistences.
                    The collection of buildings here is resonant— shudders,

                                palpitates, resonates. Where & how you
                      get touched is the enchantment variable. It could be

                 Fayette Street (two churches), City Hall in May, Butler Pike,
                          even the lunar landing lunacy of Dekalb Pike.

                           The road you travel on is into the cosmos.
                                       This is it— my Philadelphia.

                                    The buildings say everything.
                          What I say now is reason again, to bring us

                              roundabout— the buildings are the road.

                        What is really in the cosmos remains the mystery.

***attached image of Calvary Episcopal Church, Fayette Street, Conshohocken***

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