Monday, June 17, 2024

Dance Monkey: Beams: Andy's Diner


                            “What they’re doing is about decomposition & decay.”
                                    Syrup shortage, pancakes on a greased plate.

                       Marilyn emanates from the wall, a frozen sense of vulnerable
                                   cattishness, James is ready to rebel as always.

                                    “Not really a restaurant, a group of tables.”
                            Los Angeles lives here in Conshohocken, mid-town

                                 Conshohocken. There’s a geographic center
                     to Andy’s Diner. Only, when it’s the Twenties, we wonder

                          why Natalie Wood is missing from the walls, where
                                  Marilyn holds court from, as the waiters

                                  greasy spoon our wishes into moderate checks.
                         Marilyn says from the poster, she’s only here to get laid.

                       I’m the last person to get a consistent performance out of her

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