Thursday, May 23, 2024

Genius Loci: 4325 Baltimore Avenue


Here is the fabled house where all the action in Genius Loci, now up on P.F.S. Post, transpires: 4325 Baltimore Avenue. As always with both Philly and the Philly 'burbs, the architectural level is interesting: not a normal looking house (or twin, as it were), something worth looking at. This shot was taken of 4325 from across the street, on the edge of Clark Park. Mary's room was at the top of the stairwell, on the second floor. Diana's (Kevin's, actually) was also on the second floor, right next door. Mary's window overlooked the grassy backyard area, which grounded the house in something, a mode of earthiness or reality, past what urban domiciles usually have to offer. 

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